Hadrian's Wall

A wall built by the Romans to mark the northern frontier of Britain. Constructed between 122-127 AD, during the reign of the Emperor Hadrian (except for a western extension added in the mid -2nd century), the wall extends for 73 miles (117 km) from the River Tyne to the Solway Firth. It was originally built of stone 10 feet (3 metres) thick and 15 feet (3.5 metres) high, and in the west, of turf 20 feet (6 metres) thick, 12 feet (3.6 metres) high. A parapet walk linked Fortresses every 1620 yards (1,475 metres) with intermediate Forts. On the northern side the wall was protected by a ditch 10 feet (3 metres) deep and 30 feet (9 metres) wide, with similar ditch behind, Some seventeen garrison forts served the wall, the best preserved being at Housesteads.

The wall was breached and severely damaged by the Pictish tribes (early inhabitants of Scotland) in 196,296 and 367 and was finally abandoned by the Romans in 383 AD.

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