, launched in 2000, is a public policy organization whose mission is to be a reliable source of background information and developing news stories in the fields of defense, space, intelligence, WMD, and homeland security. Offering its information products through its website, the organization's editorial office is located in Alexandria, Virginia, USA. The current Senior Fellow on Homeland Security is Andrew Fois.
The website provides news and analysis on weapons systems and industry, comprehensive guides and directories of military and space related programs, entities, and facilities. also emphasizes primary political documentation—legislation, political debates, hearings, and reports—materials that may or may not be available online elsewhere, but which states that it processes and collates to make more accessible to its readers.
The website is freely accessible to readers and its income is based on online advertising. The website specifically targets "Subject Matter Experts", "Senior Leaders", "Junior Staff and Interns", "Concerned Citizens", and "News Reporters"; the latter stated to be the site's most important online target audience.
Independent reviews has a review of the site and lists it in their "Best of the web" directory.
History, created in 2000, was originally a fork of, the website of the Federation of American Scientists, the former employer of's principal, John Pike. It uses some of Pike's content originally on the FAS site.