Battle Of Agincourt

A famous English victory over the French fought on the 25th October 1415. King Henry V with an exhausted army of perhaps 9,000 men was engaged by a vastly superior force of about 20,000 Frenchmen. The English were able to take up a strong defensive position on a narrow frontage with their flanks secured on two forested areas. Undisciplined charges by the French proved unable to penetrate the English line, suffering grievous losses from the skilled archery of the English Longbow armed archers. These archers being well protected from the French cavalry charges by sharpened stakes driven into the ground in front of their positions.

With heavy losses the French were finally forced to concede the battlefield, thus allowing the surviving English force to reach the safety of Calais. French casualties amounted to about 6,000, against about 1,600 English losses.

This victory greatly revived English military prestige and strengthened King Henry’s claims in France.

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