Air Force Materiel Command

Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) was formed on the 1st July 1992, with its Headquarters at Wright AFB, Ohio, to replace both Air Force Systems Command and Air Force Logistics Command. The new organisation effectively brought together the functions of development, acquisition, overhaul, support and disposal, enabling a single command to manage the entire life cycle of all USAF aircraft and equipment. The Command is also required to produce and obtain advanced systems, operate 'superlaboratories', major product centres and test facilities, and to run the USAF Test Pilots' School and the School of Aerospace Medicine. An active-duty personnel strength of 34,000 is bolstered by a civilian workforce of more than 73,000.

One of the most important responsibilities of the AFMC is the running of the Air Force Flight Test Centre (AFFTC), the primary role, of which, is to evaluate new and upgraded weapon systems to determine their suitability for future inclusion in USAF operations. The AFFTC works very closely with manufacturers to ensure that any deficiencies highlighted can be rectified, prior to the commencement of production. The flying component of the AFFTC is performed by the 412th Test Wing, based at Edwards AFB, California, which operates, on test and evaluation duties, many of the 200-300 fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft held on the AFMC inventory. Recently much of the work undertaken by the AFFTC has involved the development, testing and evaluation of the F-22A air superiority fighter which is currently entering service with the USAF.

See also: Arnold Engineering Development Center

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